Thursday, November 11, 2010


So this couldn't have happened at a better time, but today, I'm so thankful for Kids!! I mean, who doesn't smile when they're around a group of kids?!

Today is Veteran's Day and I was asked to sing at Lamar School with their fourth graders for their program. We sang a song together called "American Tears" and there wasn't a dry eye in the room! Really.
They gave me a Christmas Ornament and they wrote me a book of letters! I thought I'd share a few of my favorite parts of this book with you.

Dear Miss Abby--

" I'm so glad that we get to sing together. You could've went shopping or getting your nails done, but instead, you choosed us!"

"I hope that the audience will be as happy as a dog with a bone when they hear you sing!"

"Your voice is beautiful. Like a cricket in the middle of spring!"

"Wow! You are so much better than I thought you were singing. I just thought you were ok, but you're perfect! Now that we have you singing with us, we are complete!"

"By the way, I love the way you have your hair. I love the bob. It looks good on you!"

haha!! Are these cracking you up?!! I've just laughed and laughed!! They mean well. They really do :)

Happy Veteran's Day. Thank you to those who have served and continue to serve our country. We appreciate you and love you more than you'll ever know!

Happy Thursday!


1 comment:

Joy said...

I love it!!! My mom's Veteran's Day program at Clarkdale had the 1st through 4th graders singing American Tears in their program.