Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It's FINALLY fall... even though the past week hasn't seemed like it!! I had a little pie pumpkin sitting on my desk and I decided to give it a creative twist and painted metallic gold polka dots on it. I think it turned out pretty cute... so simple and quick, too!
I love to decorate for any occasion and the fall season isn't any different. I have a scarecrow that hangs on my office door, too!

Also, Friday is Boss's Day but our office celebrated it today with Caramel Cake and gifts. I've been wanting some new perfume so I got a gift card that will definitely come in handy! Thanks ladies at FBC. You make my life a lot easier with all you do-- especially when you help me "get my ox out of the ditch!" (That's how my mother always puts it!)

Harper Girl

I got to keep Harper girl for a few hours last weekend and... SHE IS HILARIOUS!! She definitely has a great personality and just likes to crawl all over and have a good time :)


Last Friday night I took several girls from my church to see Ballet Magnificat perform "Hiding Place." It was absolutely beautiful. We didn't have very good seats, and they said "NO flash photography," so I snapped a few pictures with my iPhone when I could! They don't do it justice!

Remember Her??

Remember sweet little mama-to-be Bethany from a few posts ago? I received a text from her last Wednesday telling me that she would be giving birth some time THAT DAY! Sweet Tyson Lawrence Garrett arrived that afternoon and is absolutely perfect and Phillip and Bethany are just tickled to be his parents :)

Monday, October 5, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, I went to Meridian Little Theater to see the season opening production of "South Pacific." It was AMAZING! One of my favorite genres of music is broadway and I loved every song in the play! I've been in several of the plays at MLT like Snow White, Princess and the Pea, A Christmas Carol and Beauty and the Beast. Being in the plays are so much fun and you become a part of a whole new family each time! Seeing South Pacific really made me miss being in the plays!

Gettin' a little artsy...

Saturday, I took a group of my youth girls to Easely Amused in Ridgeland. Oh. How. Fun!! Let's just say that I have 23 artists on my hands at FBC! We finished up with lunch at Sweet Peppers and did just a little shopping!! I'm so glad that we're "Girls Lovin' Life!"

**Updated-- Some of you wanted to know what my painting looked like. I was quite proud... I'm a perfectionist when it comes to painting but learned that art really isn't all about being perfect!!

Maddie, Alana and MeThe chaperones: me, daph, connie and jessica

"Girls Lovin' Life"

Cute Little Mama!!

Meet Bethany. We spent a HORRIBLE week of our life together at Girls State the summer between our Junior and Senior year of high school. Everytime we get together we talk about that LONG week and how much we disliked it. I didn't know Bethany when I arrived at Girls State. As a matter of fact, we both went to high school in Meridian, but had never really been introduced. There were about 10 girls that participated in Girls State that year from Meridian and so we all kind of found each other and stuck together that week. Bethany's friendship continued back in Meridian after that week and we keep up with each other to this day-- I even sang at she and Phillip's wedding a few years ago. Bethany is getting prepared to have her first baby and she's been out on bedrest for a few weeks. I was off on Friday and was able to go and grab lunch with her. I just knew that she was going to be so excited to see me that baby Tyson might try and make his debut!! I just wasn't that lucky!