Monday, July 4, 2011

Hairspray... Part 2

I could have never in a million years been able to do Hairspray without all of you encouraging me!!  From the two long nights of auditions, all the way to the very last show, your texts, phone calls, facebook and tweets meant the world to me!!  I'm pretty sure that I got pictures with ALMOST everyone that came to see me, minus just a few!  So, here they are!!

Kristina... she loved the show so much that she came THREE times!!
 My McKay's from Philadelphia!!  Mollie Claire and I became fast friends when I was her driver in Jr. Miss last summer!!  We're more alike than we ever thought we were!!
 Jamey and Randy!  James... I'm so glad I got to see you a few times before your big trip to Austria!  Have so much fun! I LOVE you!!
 The Sister girls plus one.  My grannie, grannie Poe, my mom, Aunt Jess and Cheryl!!
 Taylor, Ben, James and Shelby... some of my youth!!
 Sweet Michele and Brittany from Clinton... missed you Brie!
 My aunt, uncle and cousins from Birmingham...
 Sweet Kristen from Clinton!!  I MISS our Sunday nights together... we'll catch up soon!!
 Debbie & Rachel...
Some of my other pictures didn't turn out.  Boo!! 

There's so much more to catch you up on.  Since Hairspray, I've been white water rafting, to camp, to Kentucky & Ohio, and will be heading out of the country soon!  So...keep checkin' back to see what all ends up on here!  Love ya'll!  HAPPY 4TH!

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