Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Alphabet Thanks

The season is upon us to remember to give thanks!

Initially, I decided that I would post EVERY DAY about something I was thankful for. Ha! It's already the third day of November and I've completely failed so far! But have no fear, I'll make up for it today with giving three thanks!

I'm ordering these post by the letters in the alphabet... and since there are 25 days between November 1st and Thanksgiving day, I think I'll just leave out either the X or Z and just be thankful for something else because those are just incredibly hard to come up with!!

So... today I am thankful for...

AMERICA! I've always been thankful that I live in a free country and that we are One Nation Under God, but being an American last night after the election results made living in America just a little bit sweeter :)

BURTS BEES! Oh, how I LOVE this stuff!! No explanation needed... Church Family! Where would I be withouth the friends and family of Highland Baptist and First Baptist Meridian. I count it as a huge blessing to serve among so many friends and love that God has placed me right here to do His work!! My youth family above and my children's ministry family below :)


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