So, my attempt to blog EVERYDAY certainly didn't work out the way that I wanted it too!!! But, just know that I'm so thankful for so many things in my life!! So thankful for new opportunities. So incredibly thankful for life!! I hope that you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!! The "Sister Girls" are heading out on Thanksgiving night for our annual Christmas shopping weekend in Birmingham! I'll have plenty to post on when I return!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
So this couldn't have happened at a better time, but today, I'm so thankful for Kids!! I mean, who doesn't smile when they're around a group of kids?!
Today is Veteran's Day and I was asked to sing at Lamar School with their fourth graders for their program. We sang a song together called "American Tears" and there wasn't a dry eye in the room! Really.
They gave me a Christmas Ornament and they wrote me a book of letters! I thought I'd share a few of my favorite parts of this book with you.

Dear Miss Abby--
" I'm so glad that we get to sing together. You could've went shopping or getting your nails done, but instead, you choosed us!"
"I hope that the audience will be as happy as a dog with a bone when they hear you sing!"
"Your voice is beautiful. Like a cricket in the middle of spring!"
"Wow! You are so much better than I thought you were singing. I just thought you were ok, but you're perfect! Now that we have you singing with us, we are complete!"
"By the way, I love the way you have your hair. I love the bob. It looks good on you!"
haha!! Are these cracking you up?!! I've just laughed and laughed!! They mean well. They really do :)
Happy Veteran's Day. Thank you to those who have served and continue to serve our country. We appreciate you and love you more than you'll ever know!
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Today is the day to be thankful for something that begins with a "J..." and I'm loving these four people...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
This is a stretch, but I'm thankful for good music and artists like Ingrid Michaelson. I'll tell you how thankful I am for 4 other artists tomorrow on "J" day, but Ingrid has definitely become one of my favorite musicians. I first heard her on Good Morning America and "shazammed" her stuff on my iPhone and it told me who she was, her album name and all that jazz.
My mom tells me that I listen to really weird stuff. And if you take a look at my iPod, I have everything from Christian music to rap, to country, to rock... it's just a really random selection. But I like to have plenty of options to fit my daily moods!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
I'm so very thankful for sweet Harper. 
Harper right after she was born in 2009...
and here's my big girl now with Peaches, her cat!
I can't put into words everything I love about little miss priss but please know that she's one of my very favorite people in the world!! She changed every life in my family when she came into the world and caused us to all focus on God and our faith a little more when she faced surgery at such a young age. We prayed that she'd be a fighter, and to this day, she still is!! She's bad to the bone, and I couldn't have imagined her turning out any other way!! I love you Harper girl!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Today I am thankful for my relationship with God!!

I'm so glad that he's my heavenly father and that He walks beside me each and every day! His plans are so much greater than mine and I'm grateful that He knows where I'll be in fifty years, because I don't! Ha!! I'm not perfect in any way, but He sure thinks that I am.
Thank you God for loving me no matter where I go or what I do! I can't imagine NOT having you in my life. Thank you for guiding my steps and for giving me strength when I have none. May I always look to you for help, to your word for encouragement and to the people and situations that you place in my life for a glimpse of you! Lord, take me where you want me to go, let me meet who you want me to meet, tell me what you want me to say and keep me out of your way! Amen and Amen!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
I'm thankful for Emily, Jamey and Sarah...

These sweet girls are my first cousins! They're the "sisters" I didn't have growing up! We've all been so close our whole life and we enjoy every minute we get to spend with each other. Now that I'm working, and the three of them are still in college, one at Ole Miss, one at Birmingham Southern and one at Alabama, it's hard for us to get together! But we'll be going to see Mickey and Minnie together in a little over a month!!
Sarah, Emily and Jamey, I LOVE you all so much and I'm so grateful that God created us to be cousins!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Alphabet Thanks
The season is upon us to remember to give thanks!
Initially, I decided that I would post EVERY DAY about something I was thankful for. Ha! It's already the third day of November and I've completely failed so far! But have no fear, I'll make up for it today with giving three thanks!
I'm ordering these post by the letters in the alphabet... and since there are 25 days between November 1st and Thanksgiving day, I think I'll just leave out either the X or Z and just be thankful for something else because those are just incredibly hard to come up with!!
So... today I am thankful for...
AMERICA! I've always been thankful that I live in a free country and that we are One Nation Under God, but being an American last night after the election results made living in America just a little bit sweeter :)

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