Vacation Bible School was held last week at FBC. We had so much fun on "Outrigger Island" teaching the children more about God and helping them discover how we works in each one of our lives. We decided to take a special missions offering each day and give it to a local organization in our community that helps people in need. We challenged the kids to raise $1000 and each day, the kids would bring in TONS of spare change. A 2nd grader even brought in a 5-gallon bucket that was halfway full of change. We put the boys money together and the girls money together and then weighed them on a wooden scale to see who won each day. The girls won Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the boys pulled through to win on Thursday and Friday. If the kids raised $1000, the staff agreed to do a hula dance during the worship rally on Friday. Well...the kids did rise to meet the challenge and the staff had to follow through too...
And as if that wasn't mom decided to sneak my four year old dance recital tape of me hula dancing into the worship rally and they played it at the very end of the front of all of the children and parents! thanks mom!!